EYP Bulgaria
NC Recognition
EYP Bulgaria is currently on probation, in the process of becoming an official National Committee of the European Youth Parliament. It is currently in process of becoming recognized as a full EYP National Committee according to the EYP NC Recognition Policy.
Policy on National Committee Recognition
EYP Bulgaria applied to be an EYP initiative (according to Art. 5 of the NC Recognition Policy) in May 2021. Subsequently EYP Bulgaria was recognized as an official EYP initiative and is currently in process to become a recognized candidate NC (according to Art. 9 of the NC Recognition Policy).
EYP Bulgaria NC Initiative Motivation Letter
EYP Bulgaria NC Initiative Recognition Statement
NC Strategy
As part of the current board mandate and the Candidate NC Application, EYP Bulgaria has compiled a comprehensive One-Year Development Plan
EYP Bulgaria One-Year Development Plan (FY23/24)
NC Statute
The Statute of EYP Bulgaria outlines the fundamental principles, structure, and goals of the organization.
EYP Bulgaria Statute in English
EYP Bulgaria Statute in Bulgarian
Additional NC Resources
EYP Bulgaria also has additional resources, such as logo's, etc.
Брошура за ЕМП България/Brochure about EYP in Bulgarian
More resources will be uploaded periodically.