EYP Roles

Within a session, EYPers are provided with a variety of role types that they can take upon. Every role has its uniqueness, providing and developing different skill sets. Because of that, we highly encourage our members to explore the different options, experiment and apply for different roles. 


As a Delegate at a Session, you will be put in a group with 8-11 other people, called a committee, to discuss a specific, current issue with the aim of developing a common solution, writing it down, and then discussing it with other committees. This is probably the best role to get started in EYP!

Organising Team

The Organising Team is composed by Head-Organisers and Organisers. The Head Organisers are the ones who plan the session from the very start, and lead their team, the organisers. These are the ones who help with the logistical work before the event, and make sure all the tasks required during the session are done.

Media Team

The Media Team is usually composed of an Editor, Editorial Assistant(s), and Journalists. The Editor is responsible for coordinating the whole team, together with the Editorial Assistant(s), while also creating media content for the session. The Journalists, on the other hand, are also responsible for creating media output and engaging in their own Session Projects, as well as being assigned to a committee and taking pictures of them. 

Academic Team

The Academic Team consists of a President, two to four Vice Presidents and Chairpersons. The President and Vice Presidents compose the Board of the Session which is responsible for supporting the Chairs, overseeing the MTM, etc. The Chairperson is responsible for a group of Delegates, or a committee. They are in charge of guiding their respective committee, helping their Delegates create a Resolution document for their Committee Topic.

Jury Team

A Juror is inserted into the Jury Team, which is composed by a Head of Jury and two to four Jurors. This team only exists if the Delegates can be selected to another, bigger session. The Jury Team is responsible for making this selection, based on criteria established by each National Board.

Event Safe Person

The Safe Person of each session has a vital role for the well-being of the participants. We roughly describe the position as the "psychologist" at the session. If a participant experiences or witnesses bullying, harassment, anything that makes them or someone else uncomfortable at the session, they report to the Event Safe Person. The role of the ESP is to determine what happened and provide help and support. Based on the situation the actions may vary.