Collaborative Digital Training of EYP Bulgaria, EYP Kosovo, EYP Latvia & EYP Denmark

With only one click away this digital fairy tale allowed almost a hundred motivated young people to have the chance to learn more about what the European Youth Parliament has to offer and to ask all of their questions to trainers, specialized in various fields and positions, and to meet the National Committees (NC) Boards’ representatives off all four countries. 

The diverse selection of seminars and modules allowed every participant to explore what interests them. For instance, the opportunity to learn how to write an effective application for a certain position has for sure enriched every trainee with numerous tips and tricks on how to be creative, focused, honest, but also a little humble, and how to stand out amongst a pool of applicants. 

After that, everyone involved was able to understand the philosophy behind accessible chairing, writing a topic overview, and the so-called reso typing. Committing fully to the theme of the session and understanding its impacts enables a future chair to brainstorm an appropriate and exciting topic for their committee. This will, furthermore, allow them to create the best research and topic overview which will help their delegates - the ones they should advocate for and prioritize. An important lesson to learn is that a delegate’s journey is highly impacted by their chair’s work and attitude as they will potentially influence their delegates to continue their EYP journey. 

A third and final example of a module during this amazing digital session was the one introducing all trainees to the work of an Event Safe Person in the EYP world and to the steps of how to become one. Attending training sessions and being an ESP at a regional level in your own country turn out to be the best ways to get involved in EYP as an ESP.

For more information regarding the Collaborative Digital Training of EYP Bulgaria, EYP Kosovo, EYP Latvia & EYP Denmark do not hesitate to check each NC’s Instagram page.